Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A New Start

Since 1998, I've been writing about sports. Very rarely have I written anything else. For a two-year period (1996-97), I wrote news and features for broadcast, but no sports. I prefer writing about sports. But because of the nature of what I do, it seems everything I do revolves around sports.

I am sent baseball books to read and review. I host internet radio shows about sports. My kids play sports, so I take them to the events. The people I meet there, we talk sports.

I love sports, but c'mon.

Every once in awhile I get the urge to add things to my columns that illustrate my passion for the theater, film, politics, and history. I often take these asides out, though, because most of time they don't belong in a sports column, and I find it self indulgent to do so on a regular basis.

Hear that, Lupica?

So I decided to do the next best thing; blog. Sure, it's a bit egotistical to think that anyone gives a crap about whether or not I thought that Jon Voight's performance in "Pride And Glory" was one of the most realistic portrayals of a New York City police officer I have ever seen, but I think it can be helpful.

Think of this as a cure for creative constipation.

Hope you enjoy, and look forward to actually sticking to the routine of blogging every day.


Drew Sarver said...

Welcome to blogdom Mark!

john said...

Good stuff, Mark. I'm subscribing.

Anyone who wants to subscribe, click here - Gotham Nation RSS Feed

Gene Berardelli, Esq. said...

It's about time, pal!

Now you can finally write that Gene For City Council endorsement that you've been DYING to do!

Seriously, I'm glad to see you start this blog - you have so much to offer on a broad range of topics. Talk to you soon!